I have been cycling for a number of years. As you know from my previous blogs, cycling with a group helps us all to push us to our limits. We all get motivated with each other’s rides but when I heard about Dr. Amrita Sethi’s life journey, I was in awe of this lady’s determination and the zest towards life.
An inspirational woman, suffering from chronic osteoarthritis, sets off each morning on her own on a bicycle. She is passionate to lead a healthy life and explore all joys that a fit life has to offer. No matter how big her fear was in the beginning, she has moved forward with courage, far beyond anything anyone of us can imagine!
I could not resist the urge to share her story with you all and set out to speak to Amrita about her story.
Read on.
Tell us something about your professional life
I’m 49, a gynaecologist & obstetrician. I’m serving at my own clinic in Jaipur, set up in 2016. It is well-equipped with highly advanced surgical instruments that provide essential care to our patients. Before this, I was serving in Narayana Hospital, Jaipur.
I have been working in this field for 20 years now. I understand how important a female doctor is, especially for female patients as they do not have to worry about explaining things. I always felt it and thus, became a Gynae/Obs.
Tell us something about your personal life
I belong to Hyderabad and I am currently living in Jaipur.
In Hyderabad, I completed my schooling and attempted rigorous entrance examinations to qualify to study MBBS. After completing that degree in Nagpur, I did my Post Graduation in DGO (Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics), a certificate which allowed me to learn a lot more as a doctor.
My husband is a paediatrician in Jaipur, with whom I got married 24 years ago. After marriage, I started working in a hospital here. In my family, in addition to my husband, I have two sons and wonderful in-laws whom we all respect and adore.
I work crazy hours but still I find time to enjoy on weekends with friends and family!

How did you get into cycling? How has your cycling experience been?
I was suffering from chronic osteoarthritis and the only solution to this was a knee replacement. The pain in my bones made it difficult for me to get up or walk at times, but nothing could stop me! My doctor prescribed cycling as well – so from March 2020, I began taking bike rides.

I started cycling 10-15 km every day. Then, I met you, Munesh Jadoun, on Facebook through a cycling group, that was created for people like us, willing to ride a bicycle.
I purchased a new bicycle and joined his group. After the first ride together, I was intrigued. We started riding more and more because cycling not only gives health benefits but also helps us make new friends. It’s fun and networking at the same time.
My cycling experience was MAGICAL.
The first time we went out, we did about 20 km on a flat trail, I was tired and thought I was going to die. It was difficult for me. Thankfully, I stuck to it and didn’t stop. Then we did a 50 km challenge daily for 15 days straight. It made me better at cycling…
After I did my first 100 km journey in one day, things moved quite quickly. We started going for longer distances every Sunday and now it has become our tradition!
Cycling has gone above and beyond for me now! I have now become a part of long journeys after travelling to places like Kishangarh, Pushkar, and more within a range of 200-300 km.
We’re already planning a long ride and will soon visit Mumbai. 😊

My 2020-21 adventure has strengthened my love for cycling. The challenge of ultra-bike events is something I would never have experienced without taking these rides. But that’s not all: I’m now helping others join our team so they can share in these benefits too!
How has cycling benefitted you?
Cycling benefitted me in many ways, for example, my knee pain started going away and my knees got better as the muscles got stronger due to cycling.
I was surprised at how easy it became to move around. My joints felt better as soon as I got back into things.
Cycling is a low-impact, healthy form of exercise that can help you get in shape. It is an excellent way to build or maintain coordination with your muscles and joints as well as reduce stress levels; it could even prevent illnesses such as arthritis, obesity, depression, diabetes, and some cancers! — these are just a few benefits one can expect from cycling.
Note: Always take up any form of sports or exercise, only after consulting your doctor.
Overall, cycling has motivated me to grow more and evolve in life. I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I reach a peak or an end. It’s not about how fast you go, but just getting there and knowing that it was your hard work is really rewarding! Once you reach your destination, relax, and just breathe in that fresh air.
What advice would you like to share with other riders who have just started or females who wish to begin cycling but are in two minds due to their personal and professional commitments?
Cycling is the most fun thing you can do! I guarantee it. Just get on your bike and go for 10 minutes a day, then increase it to 15 minutes, then more…it doesn’t matter how long you travel. Once you start going out, you will see the difference, you will enjoy it.
Females, who are planning to start, can also look for cycling groups that have women riders or provide different level rides – basic, intermediate, and advanced. Cycling groups can be good if you’re afraid to start solo.

Wrapping up
Amrita’s journey is sure to inspire many females juggling their personal and professional lives. It may seem to be difficult in the beginning, but once you’ll begin, there will be nothing stopping you from exploring the best version of yourself.
If you have any questions, you can drop her a message in the form below. She will be happy to reply.
Saurabh yadav October 2, 2021
Nice article
Munesh Jadoun October 15, 2021
Thank you Saurabh
Rama Dubey October 2, 2021
Great article! Very inspiring
Munesh Jadoun October 15, 2021
Thank you Rama Mam, you are also in my queue 🙂
Mk Grg October 2, 2021
Very motivational write up. Many many more happy rides to Dr Amrita. 🚴
Munesh Jadoun October 15, 2021
Thank you
Shikha Mathur October 15, 2021
@munesh – very nice article!
Munesh Jadoun October 15, 2021
Thank you Shikha :).